Since the past four decades, when the World Health Organization (WHO) approached a group of pharmaceuticals and therapeutics experts, till now, the field of pharmacology has only bettered. Over the years, a lot has changed in terms of our demands from the type of treatments, drugs, and their delivery mechanisms, especially post the advent of molecular biology and nanotechnology. Humans were introduced to some unprecedented insights into cellular behavior, individual health conditions, genomic profile, biomedical tools, and approaches to fight diseases or conditions such as cancer, to name a few. Overall, an impactful change in global health care was presented, and research was shifted from “one drug for most” to now be customized for personalized health care. Nanomaterials, which are really small in size, gained a lot of attention with their ability to interact with cells at a molecular level and enabling research possibilities that would change the face of medical science and pharmacology. Nanotechnology could play a pivotal role in the shift to modern treatment using drug delivery systems because of an array of advantages that it offers including reduced toxicity, improved efficiency, low drug dosages and decreased treatment expenses. These benefits guaranteed the evolutionary leap that we believe science 26will have with the assistance of nanotechnology. To further ascertain this advancement, constant efforts are being made to improve the properties of nanomaterials (NMs). In this chapter, we shall discuss in detail these properties that make NMs an extremely suitable tool and drug delivery system in modern therapeutics and theranostics.