Soil microbes take part in a tremendous task in decontamination of polluted environment throughout the world. Thus, many microbial communities have been using continuously to decontaminate/detoxify the toxic compounds viz, poly chlorinated aromatic compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls, organophosphorus pesticides, and heavy metals by many researchers. The potential microbial communities, i.e., bacteria and fungi, have important function in bioremediation of various toxic compounds from the polluted soil by in situ or ex situ methods. However, many biotic and abiotic factors also dramatically affect the detoxification of pesticides by microbes. Hence, understanding interactions between microbial communities and organic pollutants during bioremediation of environment by microbiome is an important and utmost demanding criterion in order to attain an efficient bioremediation of polluted environments. In this book chapter we made an attempt to incorporate all the data that could be useful to understand soil microbime to determine the effective bioremediation strategies.