Artificial intelligence has now enabled important advancements in Industry 4.0. (AI). Industries are generally focusing on increasing modeling, productivity, and lowering costs of operations in the hopes that they can achieve this via joint efforts between people and robotics. Smart industries' interconnected manufacturing processes rely on numerous devices that communicate via AI automation systems via acquiring and comprehending all data types. The adoption of smart automation and robotics can significantly alter modern production. AI provides pertinent data to help decision-making and forewarn users of possible mistakes. Industries will have to use AI to analyze data transmitted via IoT devices in order to integrate connected machines and IoT devices into their innovations. Businesses now have the ability to carefully monitor all of their end-to-end processes.

This chapter, which is based on a literature assessment, tries to summarize the crucial role of AI in the implementation of Industry 4.0. The research objectives are therefore designed to aid in this chapter's accessibility to researchers, practitioners, students, and business professionals. It starts out by going through the key technological aspects and characteristics of AI that are essential for Industry 4.0. Second, the deployment of AI for Industry 4.0 is enabled by substantial achievements and a variety of hurdles, which are both identified in this study. The chapter concludes by listing and discussing important applications of AI for Industry 4.0. We can observe from a thorough overview investigation that the benefits of AI are pervasive and that stakeholders must comprehend the type of software platform they need for the new manufacturing order. Additionally, this technology looks for relationships in order to prevent mistakes and ultimately predict them. Thus, Industry 4.0 objectives are gradually being achieved through advanced AI technologies.