Herbs, veggies, and fruits are being taken into consideration to be the ability supply for treating and controlling numerous ailments. “Let food be thy medication and medication thy food,” the guiding principle via Hippocrates, is currently receiving excellent interest. In this context, the idea of functional food is enormously appreciated. Functional foods are “meals or food factor which gives each health and dietary benefits.” This chapter includes functional food for prevention and remedy of acidity. Factors like H. pylori infection, intake of NSAID’s, alcohol, tumors of the acid generating cells, smoking, chewing tobacco contributes for acidity. It is affecting hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Conventional remedy consists of the medication which reduces the rate of gastric acid secretion, drugs which protects the mucus membrane that lines the GIT or the medication which removes Helicobacter pylori. In maximum of those instances, destructive reactions and occurrence of relapse has been observed. The difficulty is to introduce more secure tablets with most therapeutic effect, without destructive reactions. In the prevailing have a look at a formulation (PHF-1) containing decided on functional foods which acts via way of means of numerous mechanisms to prevent and treat ulcers become advanced and evaluated for its efficacy against ethanol caused gastric ulcers.