Functional foods are highly nutritious and related to a number of powerful health benefits. They protect against diseases prevent nutrient deficiency and proper growth and development. These are ingredients designed to enhance health. They provide health benefits that reach beyond nutritional value. Vitamins, minerals, probiotics, fiber, and nutrient-dense components like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains are all found in functional foods. Brain health isn’t independent of the body’s general health status, and every measure that causes honest and maintained overall physical health also will be useful for the brain. Normally, overeating and adhering to a high-saturatedfat Western diet, processed carbs, and high caloric density behavior, which 72results in lifestyle diseases, is additionally dangerous for intellectuality. Functional foods play a significant role in brain function to enhance memory, mood regulation, diseases, anxiety and depression. So functional food are developed to reinforce brain function claim to stop dementia and improve cognition focus and mood. The general makeup of the human diet, as well as individual dietary components, has been demonstrated to influence brain function. Many individuals use nutraceuticals and supplements in the hopes of increasing alertness or slowing down cognitive deterioration. There has been a significant rise in the quantity of research studying the relationships between nutrition, nutraceuticals, and psychological function over the last decade or two. A variety of sources have indicated cognitive improvements as a result of this. Glucose injection, for example, increases cognitive performance, and the processes behind this benefit are becoming more understood. A food’s glycemic index (GI) might potentially affect mental function. This chapter provides a summary of the role of functional foods (diet) in brain development, signaling network, and neurotransmitter within the brain and cognition memory.