Obesity is a global issue whose prevalence is rapidly increasing in emerging countries, making it a significant public health problem. In order to reduce the prevalence of various metabolic illnesses, health organizations prioritize weight control and obesity prevention. The main contributive element for obesity is found to be new eating habits, as well as current production and consumption trends. Changes in lifestyle, as well as dietary changes, are essential in the treatment of obesity; simultaneously, it is very important to assess the potential relevance of functional foods in promoting weight loss and preventing obesity. Prevention and treatment of obesity rely heavily on both nutrition and exercise. Because of the potential adverse effects of obesity medicines, the positive effects of natural constituents and functional 90foods in managing obesity have gotten a lot of attention. Functional foods have a similar appearance to traditional foods, but they provide benefits that go beyond their fundamental nutritional qualities. Functional foods have been studied as a means of improving weight management in those who live a healthy lifestyle. Functional foods have been evaluated for their efficacy as obesity therapies in two ways: first is food that reduces appetite and increases pleasure, and another is foods that increase thermogenesis. Nutraceutical therapies are currently being researched extensively as potential obesity and weight loss treatments. Low-glycemic-index carbohydrates, chromium, green tea extract and 5-hydroxytryptophan are among the substances that have been shown to promote weight loss. In clinical trials, each component has been demonstrated to stimulate weight loss on its own.