Foods that have a potentially positive impact on health beyond basic nutrition are known as functional foods. Phytochemicals, dietary fibers, structural lipids, bioactive peptides, and polyunsaturated fatty acids are among them. Proponents of functional foods believe that they can help people achieve maximum health and lower their risk of illness. Food may also be found in honey, peanuts, mushrooms, quinoa, sheep milk, probiotics, folate, and lactobacillus. Infection happens when a bacterium enters a person’s body and causes harm while also affecting the human body’s immune system. Honey’s immune-stimulating, anti-inflammatory, and prebiotic characteristics can 166help combat microbial illness. In ill and postoperative patients, prebiotics and probiotics have been proven to lower the risk of infection. Prebiotics are nondigestible fiber molecules that pass through the upper gastrointestinal tract undigested, stimulating bacteria development and colonization in the large intestine. Sheep milk has a higher concentration of essential proteins, vitamins, minerals, and lipids, as well as a caloric value that reflects energy. Lentinan, Lentinusedodes mycelium, KS-2, and eritadenine are antibacterial characteristics found in mushrooms. When compared to the control, both pasteurized and unpasteurized yogurt suppressed tumor cell proliferation by 28%. Green tea possesses anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatories, and antioxidant effects, according to studies. Some of these may have antiviral properties, or they may play a role in immune system modulation and cell defense against oxidative stress. The only antibacterial action is found in hesperidin, which is found in citrus fruits.