To rise the yield of grain crops, ecologically pure and economically efficient biocomposites were developed. Therefore, we have considered polymerized nitrogen fertilizers of linear structure acting by the prolongation mechanism. And also selected and studied microorganisms capable of destroying such fertilizers. To achieve this goal, a novel process for creation of polymerized fertilizers is reported. It is observed that at the 110–125°C range, up to deep conversion of fertilizers, reaction rate constants keep constant values, while they are determined based on the Arrhenius’s second-order equation.The results observed from infrared (IR) spectroscopy revealed that at the carbamide–formaldehyde interaction (at the first stage of the reaction) when methylol derivatives are formed (specter wave 1030 cm−1), conversion of methylol groups into dimethylene ether groups (specter wave 1085 and 1110 cm−1) was concluded. 140The change of the rate constants from the inverse absolute temperature occurs in accordance with the Arrhenius equation. With the application of polymerized nitrogenous fertilizers the fixed hectare norm of nitrogenous fertilizers reduces by 40%, then productivity rises by 15–20% and the environment is protected from pollution by nitrogenous fertilizers.