Zinc (Zn) deficiency is a widespread nutritional issue in both developing and developed countries. Various strategies have been implemented to address this issue; however, these strategies were non-sustainable due to logistical and financial challenges. Biofortification of crops is a strategy that utilizes improved plant genetics and better agronomic practices to effectively deliver a high concentration of dietary Zn to consumers to help meet the recommended daily intake of 7–14 mg Zn day–1.

Maize (Zea mays) is an important crop for human consumption, animal feed, fuel, and manufacture of pharmaceutical and industrial products. It is currently the third most important crop in the world after rice and wheat in terms of production, and a dietary staple for more than 1.2 billion people. However, despite early identification of maize as an important staple crop for Zn biofortification, there are currently few active maize Zn biofortification breeding program. The main reason for the lack of success in Zn biofortification efforts has been the lack of genotypes with replicable high kernel Zn 202concentration. Sweetcorn (Zea mays ssp. saccharata) differs from maize due to genetic mutations that confer a sugary endosperm. It is an important vegetable consumed worldwide and is a promising alternative to maize as a target crop for Zn biofortification. This chapter explores genetic and agronomic approaches to Zn biofortification in maize and sweetcorn. This chapter will cover six topics, namely:

Occurrence of Zn deficiency in the world;

Biofortification of crops;

The physiology of Zn acquisition by plants;

Zn nutrition of maize (Zea mays L.) and sweetcorn (Zea mays ssp. saccharata);

Zn biofortification in maize and sweetcorn; and

Conclusion: Future directions of Zn biofortification in maize and sweetcorn.