Post-endodontic treatment restoration with appropriate material is an essential factor. In this case, we choose a biomimetic approach. The dentin was then replaced with a biobased material, and the enamel was replaced with a composite restoration. In order to minimize the stress created in the hybrid layer, the biobased was additionally strengthened with polyethylene fiber at its base. A short fiber-reinforced composite resin that exhibits mechanical qualities similar to dentin was used to repair the dentin core. A 55-year-old female patient complained about a spontaneous throbbing pain in the upper left tooth. Upon completion of clinical assessment and test, tooth #24 was diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis. A non-surgical root canal procedure was carried out using an aseptic technique. Crown-down preparation and copious irrigation of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite were followed by root canal disinfection. The obturation was done using the warm vertical compaction technique. Due to the amount of remaining dental hard tissue, the direct restoration using fiber-reinforced composite was chosen as the optimum treatment for the final restoration of tooth #24. Short fiber reinforced composite can be used as a treatment of choice for direct posterior restoration in post-endodontic treatment.