Tooth fracture may result from trauma to the oral cavity brought on by collisions. Teeth with exposed pulp will irritate the pulp, resulting in pulp inflammation. Dental treatment should aim at giving maximum functional and aesthetic restoration with minimum complications and longevity. The severity of the fracture decides the treatment plan. The prognosis is favorable due to coronal fracture of enamel and dentin exposing the pulp of a tooth with mature root development. A 16-year-old female patient came to the Dental Hospital of Trisakti and complained that an accident five days prior had fractured her front teeth. Intraoral examination revealed a fracture line continuous from the mid-incisal to the cervical mesial region of the crown of the maxillary left central incisor. A periapical radiograph showed that the fracture had involved the pulp, widening of the periodontal ligament, with no periapical lesion. The diagnosis of 21 was symptomatic irreversible pulpitis with symptomatic apical periodontitis. The treatment plan was endodontic treatment with fiber post and restored with a ceramic crown. In order to achieve optimal tooth function, including esthetics, mastication, phonetics, and protection of supporting tissue functions, endodontic treatment followed by restoration with ceramic crowns and fiber posts can be carried out.