During covid-19 pandemic era, teledentistry become booming without meeting the dentist directly in the dental office. The patient can get to consultation, prescription for medicine, dental check-up, early or preventive treatment, emergency treatment, diagnosis of symptom, recommendation of treatment, education, and more information dental and oral health. In this consultation, dentist needs to anamnesis and examine the clinical situation through images, since some patients cannot explain their symptom clearly. Therefore, the objective of this study is analyzing the images in teledentistry during pandemic era 2019–2022. A total of 31,946 consultations through teledentistry were analyzed descriptively. Data and images were examined and were separated in some groups i.e.: clinical intra and extra-oral photos, radiograph, medicine, dental education and non-categorized image. Results show that he peaks of consultation in the year 2020 was on April with 3532 cases. Most of the patients were 21 – 30 years old, with women at the most. 32% of patients sent images, while the rest did not send any images. 33% of the images were clinical intra oral photos that could be categorized as poor photos. It can be concluded that in Pandemic era, the biggest problem of teledentistry is inadequate quality of digital clinical intra-oral photo for the diagnosis to support the anamnesis. A comprehensive anamnesis and image analysis is very important to prevent complication of the cases, in the future and direct clinical consultation and treatment is suggested.