Global security is undoubtedly threatened by climate change. As rising temperatures cause extreme weather patterns and the acceleration of melting icecaps, we can no longer ignore the real dangers posed by climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions must be significantly reduced to create a sustainable future while supporting active economic development. Mitigating the effects of climate change requires global collaboration from both the public and private sectors to reduce emissions and implement methods of adaptation. Carbon neutrality requires efficient use of natural resources for energy applications. In addition, it is important to develop renewable energy sources that have a minimal environmental impact while supporting long-term economic growth. Creating more balanced and sustainable energy supply and demand patterns requires long-term structural changes for different sectors. To fully achieve carbon neutrality, it is essential to shift to renewable energy sources, maintain efficient use of resources, and implement long-term structural changes across different sectors. By substituting renewable energy sources for conventional fossil fuels, modern bioenergy offers valuable opportunities to produce energy and value products. Moreover, modern bioenergy can also help ensure that these patterns of energy supply and demand are both sustainable and equitable, providing a pathway to a more secure and prosperous future. Despite biomass’ potential for energy applications being widely recognized and actively studied, generating electricity from biomass remains quite costly owing to both technical restrictions and logistical constraints. As such, there is an urgent need to develop new approaches to the use of biomass for cost-effectively producing electricity. Even so, many researchers see biomass as an important part of the effort to create a more sustainable and affordable energy supply. Stronger policy support and innovation are needed to scale up and expand biomass utilization. To this end, policymakers must take the lead in incentivizing research and investment in renewable energy from biomass sources, to ensure the success of this endeavour. To overcome these challenges and unlock the potential of biomass energy, it is essential to have creative solutions, innovative technologies, and robust political support.