The spread of new technologies to the industry has been the theme of vast literature for decades. This interest is justified by the widespread use of new technologies, which can have a strong impact on skill development. The purpose behind doing this study is to examine the parameters as it may accelerate or hinder the acceptance and usage of the Internet of Things by skill development course. The indicated study extended the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model by integrating added factors i.e., computer self-efficacy along with relative advantage, and developed a conceptual framework. In this study quantitative method, the cross-sectional survey was employed to collect data via 508 Internet of Things skill development course trainees. Further structural equation modeling method on the basis of AMOS 20.0 is used to analyze data. The result of the structural path exhibits performance expectancy, social influence, computer self-efficacy, and relative advantage ensures significant determinants for affecting trainees’ behavior intention in the usage of the Internet of Things, and accounts for 63% of its variance. Behavior intention shows the strongest determinant with performance expectancy. Contradictory to the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model, the consequence of effort expectancy over behavior intention proved to be insignificant. Furthermore, behavior intention and facilitating conditions respectively indicated having an influence on the actual use of behavior and explain 66% of its variance. This chaptermay prove of use for the government to encourage the adoption and acceptance of the Internet of Things and for research institutes to provide more robust Internet of Things skill development courses that adhere better to the market demands for professionals in India.