Presently, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain technology are revolutionising every aspect of life. In terms of development, the healthcare sector is the most prominent field and the inclusion of these practices are significantly modifying the way in which medical practices are implemented. Currently, research facilities, clinical laboratories, and hospitals are utilizing AI to solve the criticalities in their work. Medical professionals can analyse the collected patient’s information and opt for either diagnostic or surgical options for the treatment, depending upon the response of AI. A strong AI tool can expose the clinically relevant information hidden in the huge amount of data, which ultimately can assist in crucial clinical decision-making. However, the development of AI has many challenges, such as the shortage of data for training, the maintenance of high-level privacy, security, and centralized architecture. Among these evolving technologies, blockchain technology supports a decentralized architecture of the data and it also delivers a secure sharing of data to the different devices of the IoT network due to which centralized control is removed and can overcome the existing challenges in AI. These technologies are not replacing human clinicians from their job, but inducing the need for healthcare workers to make advanced efforts in the direction of learning implementation of these technologies. Considering the immense utility of the field, this chapter highlights the key insights of different methods of implementing these techniques, their medical applications in disease diagnosis and treatment, sensor networks, and some future aspects regarding data privacy, security and safety.