This chapter provides an overview of cognitive intelligent personal learning assistants (CIPLAs) and their capabilities. Cognitive refers to the mental processes, activities and abilities that are involved in acquiring, understanding, and using knowledge. These mental processes include perception, attention, memory, reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, and language. CIPLAs are AI-powered tools that assist individuals in their learning and development. CIPLAs can greatly improve the learning experience by providing personalized, adaptive, and efficient instruction. CIPLAs can tailor the content and instruction to the individual learner’s needs, preferences, and learning style. By continuously adapting to the learner’s progress and adjusting the content and instruction accordingly, CIPLAs can provide a more efficient and effective learning experience. CIPLAs can also automate repetitive tasks such as grading, providing feedback, and creating quizzes and assessments, freeing up the time of educators and allowing them to focus on other important aspects of teaching. Furthermore, CIPLAs can act as intelligent tutors, providing personalized feedback, guidance, and support, to help learners overcome challenges and achieve their learning goals. Additionally, CIPLAs can provide learning opportunities to a wide range of learners including those who are geographically isolated, or have disabilities, or lack access to traditional learning resources.

The proposed book chapter begins by introducing the concept of CIPLAs, including their history and current state of development. It then examines the key technology and research advancements that have enabled the development of these tools. The chapter goes on to explore specific use cases of CIPLAs in education, professional development, and personal growth, highlighting the benefits and challenges of using these tools in these contexts. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the potential future developments and implications of CIPLAs, as well as ethical and societal considerations that must be considered in the development and use of these tools. The chapter provides a comprehensive examination of the state of the art and future trends of CIPLAs.