In recent years, advancements in ameliorating pregnancies have been facilitated by wearable devices. Wearable devices ranging from relief band to ritmo is ruling the pregnancy market. Diversely operating health examination instruments help in detecting and monitoring blood pressure, snooze, contractions of the muscles, and blood glucose of the fetus and mother. Some devices help in connecting gynaecologist and pregnant women in an unrivaled manner. With the global use of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, advancements in maternal construction instruments have earned attention among people. This chapter focuses on constructing a platform that integrates maternity health maintenance with cloud computing and other pivotal technologies. We also inquire its implementation, tracking, and administrating modes connected with respective pregnant women at home with the gynaecologist department in the hospital. Smart maternity healthcare services using cloud computing technology is based on the integration of various advanced technology, which paves the way to attenuate the amount of work of medical workers, augment the work efficiency and ease the relationship between the pregnant women and the medical treatment.