Current urban societies are characterized by having been polluted on a daily basis due to increase in urbanization activities, industrialization, and transportation. In an attempt of having clean, healthy, sustainable, and pollution free urban environment, the concept of green buildings, green transportation or rather sustainable transportation is discussed in this chapter. Green transportation unveils the ability of the available transportation modes in our environment to produce a renewable source of energy that is 270clean, defendant, and has no harmful effect to the inhabitants. This green transportation aimed in achieving sustainability in urban transportation, urban climate, social lifestyle and environmental management in general through artificial intelligence (AI) sustenance. AI is one of the components of green transportation as it refers to the recreation and application of human intelligence in machines that will be programmed and have the ability to execute task in simpler, quicker, sustainable with little or no detrimental effect to the urban environment. In this instance, the application of such intelligence in green transportation is due considered in this chapter, the role of AI in green transportation as well as challenges associated with it. While a case study of Istanbul Metropolis of Turkey was also featured.