UNESCO’s World Heritage Convention benefits from worldwide recognition as a powerful legal instrument created to protect the world’s unique natural heritage of outstanding universal value for humankind. One such area which holds an outstanding array of species is Western Ghats Hotspot. Fishes are the oldest and the largest group of vertebrates, having evolved some 450 million years ago. During the long course of their evolution fishes have kept pace with the development of a variety of aquatic environments both on the surface and in the subterranean waters. The present data analysis on the status of fishes in the WG reveals the presence of 495 species with 307 (62.0%) endemics to the WG and 16 species endemic to the Deccan Peninsula. Considering both the biogeographic zones 323 (65.2%) species are endemic to the south Indian states. Among the states of India, biogeoraphic zone, especially from WG, Karnataka is the richest in ichthyofaunal diversity and the state of Kerala has the most number of endemic species. Recent researches show that the migration of the Malayan stock of fishes to the Peninsula was mainly during Pliocene and Post-Pliocene. Hora (1944) drew attention to the possibility of this element having reached the Peninsula in a series of waves of migration (Hora’s Satpura Hypothesis), besides Malayan elements. Recently the exotic species which has reached the aquatic ecosystem of WG has eliminated Osteobrama belangari, and the large indigenous Hypselobarbus periyarensis from the Periyar Lake, Kerala. Likewise, the introduction of larvicidal fishes Gambusia affinis and Poecilia reticulata found in many freshwater habitats replaced the indigenous Aplocheilus parvus and Oryzias carnaticus. Catfishes (family Loricariidae) are newly introduced species from South America, as ornamental fishes in aquarium trade. The north–eastern region and the WG are known for its rich repository of ornamental fish species. Out of the total 225 species reported, about 187 are known for their ornamental value and some of the important species are Puntius conchonius, P. gelius, P. ticto, P. sophore, Brachydanio rerio, Botia almorhae, Carassius carassius, C. auratus, Badis badis, Barilius barna, B. vagra. This chapter also includes capture fisheries and a culture fisheries.