Despite diverse safety regulations and policies, the construction industry has long been recognized as a hazardous sector with a high risk of accidents and injuries. The inadequacy of traditional methodologies for construction safety management in addressing these risks highlights the need for an automated safety management solution. To address this need, this chapter proposes the iSAFE platform, which covers various stages of construction safety management, including before, during, and after the work process. In the pre-work phase, the iSAFE platform offers 4D Building Information Modeling (BIM)-based risk assessment and safety planning, and virtual reality (VR) and 360-panorama-based training to enhance planning and training in construction job sites. These advanced technologies enable safety managers to identify potential hazards better and train workers to be more prepared for potential risks. During the work process, the iSAFEGuard incorporates technological monitoring advancements by incorporating 127 unsafe scene detectors using Computer Vision (CV) and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors. Developing and applying techniques such as Depth Estimation, Coordinates, Edge Detection, Background Subtraction, and AI model selection and optimization are discussed, along with operational applications using various image acquisition devices such as server, edge, and mobile-based applications. The iSAFEGuard enables safety managers to proactively monitor worker behavior and job site safety compliance, resulting in a more robust worker and job site monitoring process. After the work process, the iSAFEIncentive program integrates blockchain technology with CV to incentivize workers based on their safety behavior at job sites, promoting safe work practices and improving job site safety. This approach aims to build a new safety culture that values and rewards safe work practices. In conclusion, the iSAFE platform presents a comprehensive and automated approach to safety management encompassing all safety management phases. Its goal is to introduce a new paradigm and vision with a more efficient and reliable method to reduce injuries and fatalities resulting from accidents at construction job sites. The iSAFE platform offers significant potential to improve safety culture and reduce the frequency of accidents in the construction industry.