Online education has provided students with new opportunities. However, in a nation like India, web-based learning is still relatively new, for many pupils, technologically problematic. Hence, to make the experience of virtual learning more effective and enriching for students, it is important to explore the relationship between virtual learning, personality types, and learning styles.

The objective of this research is to study the relationship between high school and university students’ personality patterns, learning styles, and learning preferences. A quantitative method was used to estimate personality traits, learning approaches, and preferences. We obtained information from 222 high school and university students. The results suggest a significant correlation between Big Five personality traits and ASSIST learning approaches. Students with different personality characteristics use different 252learning strategies. Research also identifies the perceived benefits and drawbacks of online learning.

The study underlines the necessity of regulating individuals’ learning experiences by concentrating on their unique characteristics rather than relying on personality stereotypes that previous research says are common. The findings will help academics to take appropriate steps in selecting and managing learning settings and course materials that meet the needs of individual students, as well as encourage and support them to improve their academic performance. Because online learning is new to Indian students, the study’s findings will be extremely beneficial to students and academicians in the region.