The importance of education cannot be overemphasized. Education has a very important role in the overall development of the personality of an Individual. An Educated human being plays a very vital role in the development of his country as well. With the advancement of information technology (IT), there is a drastic change in the shape of the education sector. In the present scenario, when the world is passing through the pandemic of COVID-19, the education sector is facing its biggest challenge. It seems that it is going to change the complete education system. In India, the prevailing education system focuses completely on real-time classes. The teachers and students are used to do face to face interaction. But due to COVID-19, a new way of the education system has come into prominence, i.e., online teaching. The world of education has changed dramatically, and we all have to depend on technology for all teaching and learning activities. The online teaching 40system brings a lot of challenges and opportunities not only for the teachers but for the students as well. Moreover, online classes bring a lot of training needs, technology needs, time management, and many more. The objective of this work is to study the changes which are occurring in higher education due to COVID-19. These changes are bringing a new face to the education industry. The online teaching–learning process has a lot of challenges and opportunities which come into the picture in India.