In the digital economy, the nature of work is changing, and so are learning approaches to match the requirements and desires of the workforce. The COVID-19 epidemic has hastened the development and implementation of learner-centered online alternatives. Digital education does not include watching videos of lecturers giving lessons on blackboards through the internet. It is about finding the right platforms, technology, tools, interactivity, curation, and content, among other things. So, this chapter not only sheds light on the various opportunities that are available within the spectrum of digital learning (DL) or E-education, the necessities and importance of developing E-learning within the higher education field; it also provides an insight into the design, delivery, and development of the various E-learning platforms, approaches and tools being used in higher education systems. The chapter cites several contemporary universities and institutes that use E-learning platforms in higher education, which is a must for the growth of not only the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) but also the students in the current competitive scenario. Lastly, the chapter provides inputs for managing and facilitating E-learning and the challenges faced by all the stakeholders in adopting it.

118The chapter demonstrates that E-learning is a must for adapting to the dynamics of technological advancements and rapid globalization and to overcome the geographic barriers to education.