Fruits, tea, stems, bark, roots, grains, flowers, vegetables, and wine all contain flavonoids, a collection of usual compounds with varying phenolic structures. Flavonoid chemicals are plant-derived molecules that can be found in various sections of the plant in nature. Vegetables utilize flavonoids to help them develop and protect themselves against plaque. Plants, animals, and microbes all use flavonoids for a range of biological functions. Flavonoids have long been known to be synthesized in specific locations in plants, and they are dependable for the aroma and color of flowers, as well as the color and aroma of fruits, which draw pollinators and, as a result, fruit dispersion, which aids in seed and spore germination, as well as the growth and growth of seedlings. The health benefits of flavonoids derived from dietary sources have been the subject of current study. These ordinary compounds are well-known for their human health benefits, and attempts are currently being conducted to segregate the components. Flavonoids have become an 192essential factor in a wide range of nutraceutical, pharmacological, cosmetic, therapeutic, and uses. However, due to the intricacy of flavonoids' existence in diverse food sources, the diversity of dietary cultures, and the incidence of a vast quantity of flavonoids in nature, precisely quantifying daily flavonoid consumption remains a challenge.