Energy from times is defined as ability to do work. In present days we have developed technologies and principles to convert energy from one form to the another. Energy has its massive contribution in transportation, cooking, manufacturing, industries, and space projects. Conventional or non-renewable energy sources like coal, gas, and oil have been governing the economy. Apart from fulfilling the energy demands, they are responsible for emission of environment depleting agents that are continuously decreasing the quality of life. Renewable source of energy is promising in providing clean and green energy. Such energy system is gained from earth, wind, plant, and sun. Recently, biomass is seen as a vital source for global energy demands. Such energy is termed as bioenergy. A fuel cell consists of an external circuit connecting cathode and anode dipped in an electrolytic solution. The protons or oxide ions move between electrolyte and electrode whereas the electron moves towards external circuit to produce electrical power. Integration of 378living cell (preferably microbial whole-cell) as a biocatalyst in an anaerobic compartment with the ability of electron transfer led to the development of microbial fuel cell (MFC) which can produce green energy without carbon burden. MFC holds a promising future to meet the ever-increasing power needs. MFC have proven their efficiency and their candidature among the various alternative source of energy. This chapter covers current trends and future prospects in the field of MFC.