Plastic waste becomes one of the most growing concerns of the world due to its increasing consumption and its production basis on global demand. Around 15 million tons of plastic waste generated by India every year and only one-fourth of the solid waste materials of this consumption is being recycled due to a lack of awareness and consumer responsibility on the management of Solid waste generated. This leads to a burden on mother earth and polluting the ocean and affecting the marine ecosystem. Also, additionally, it affects terrestrial ecosystem due to the poor management and landfilling by ragpickers affecting the socio-economic conditions. By 2050, the world might have plastic in the ocean much more than fish, therefore, it is threatening the world’s environment, economy, and human health, which affects our society and livelihoods. Based on the latest global statistics, the most common plastic waste is either landfilled, recycled, or discarded multilayered plastic. Degradation of the manufactured plastic life cycle 484is in between 100 and 600 years, and they get fragmented in the various ecosystems into little particles called Nano/Micro-Plastics, which end by entering the human body through the food chain. The main challenges of plastic waste management into end with best-proposed solutions on the local and global, and most parts of the world having lack of laws that address on the awareness of plastic waste management. This chapter concerned on the plastic waste management and disposal in India especially on utilization of different types of plastics, wastage of plastics and handling of waste by municipal corporations throughout the country.