The fact that carbon dioxide (CO2 ) is concerned to be a primary contributor to the greenhouse effects, and, consequently, global warming and rising CO2 emissions into the atmosphere are generating an ecological and 516anthropogenic crisis. Over 1 million small, medium, and large-scale industries worldwide, including the petrochemical, chemical, steel, rubber, polymer, and agrochemical industries. In a single year, 7 million tons of metric petroleum products are produced, as well as 10 million tons of rubber and 15 million tons of polymer. Around 1 million tons of CO2 flu gas and 5 million tons of untreated waste are also created. Presently, there are several physical and chemical treatment strategies accessible for the CO2 adsorption process, such as ion exchange, filtration, and adsorption methods. They are extremely expensive, and they harm the environment by releasing secondary toxins into the atmosphere. As an alternative, a low- cost, environmentally acceptable microalgal bioabsorption technique is readily available. Microalgae, in addition to terrestrial plants, physical and chemical approaches, can reduce and absorb CO2 at a rate that is more than 20 times more efficient than terrestrial plants. RuBisCO and Acetyl CoA carboxylase enzymes are involved in the primary process in algal cells for CO2 adsorption and utilization. Photosynthetic organisms turn atmospheric CO2 into energy, hence increasing the bioabsorption of CO2 and serving as an essential climate change approach.