The arrival of the coronavirus pandemic provoked the governments and World Health Organization to have a globally coordinated response to meet all the challenges in every field. The developing and least-developed countries are considerably at a more risk to be affected by health crises. After going through lockdowns, reduced innovative, scientific, and business activities in the early pandemic days, the scientific community eradicated all the conventional barriers so that COVID-19-related innovations, publications, and research could be made swiftly. COVID-19 innovation system, through pull and push efforts, incentivized the public response to support late-stage research, product development, and agreements of advanced purchasing to kick off innovation. Crises happening intensively demand a reduction of patent protection cost to link patents with R & D. Before pandemic, patent landscape based on biomedical research shaped the motives for the successive innovative development. A big share of patent applications also shifted toward remote technologies to carry on innovative incentives. These prevailing conditions have also altered the mindset of community about the impacts of IPR on 200the fields of research, development, and technology. Mostly, it is seen that it has negative impacts, but later evidences revel positive impacts to a greater extent. IPR not only provides monetary benefits for funding but also ensures the correct use of the researcher’s data. WHO developed a site for pooling data during the pandemic so that the data liked by the general community is not hindered and can be utilized for the manufacture of pharmaceutical therapeutic drugs, making the information more accessible.