This chapter investigates on an international scale, of between-day imprecision and total error for the analytical methods of the following drugs: N-acetylprocainamide, amikacin, carbamazepine, digoxin, ethosuximide, gentamicin, lidocaine, paracetamol, phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone, procainamide, quinidine, salicylate, theophylline, tobramycin, valproate, and vancomycin. The state-of-the-art data have been assessed by comparison with the allowable between-day imprecision and allowable total error using for their establishment the goal for between-day imprecision proposed by Fraser for TDM analytical methods. Relative inaccuracy and total error have been calculated as follows: The consensual mean was considered the conventional true value because for the control materials used, concentration values obtained by definitive or reference methods were not available.