The digital age of the architectural, engineering, construction, operation, and facility management (AECO-FM) industry fosters knowledge management (KM) with extensive and inclusive data collection and information transformation for better management throughout the building lifecycle. The management of knowledge is enhanced via data acquisition, data retrieval, data storage, information sharing, knowledge generation, and knowledge utilization. Building KM is enhanced through the creation, sharing, use, and management of knowledge from initiation to the demolition of a building. However, the diversity in the resources of the building data and the direction of the data stream complicates the management of building knowledge in terms of interoperability, transparency, time, accountability, customization, size, linguistics, and diverging needs. The chaotic knowledge transformation and transferring environment require cognitive computing integration for knowledge transactions throughout the building lifecycle. Human-model-building interaction is eased with artificial intelligence (AI) integration to digital building model platforms for transforming real-time building data into knowledge. Therefore, AI applications become a prominent approach in knowledge transformation for efficient KM throughout the building lifecycle.