This chapter explores the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in automating various aspects of the education system, including assignments, teaching, learning, support, and marking. This chapter discusses the benefits and challenges of using AI in education and explores its potential to enhance student engagement, academic performance, and institutional efficiency.

The analysis focuses on the benefits and limitations of using AI in education, including its potential to personalize learning and provide timely feedback to students, as well as concerns around data privacy, bias, and the potential for AI to replace human instructors. This chapter also discusses the role of educators and other stakeholders in the effective use of AI in education. The study highlights the importance of collaboration between educators, IT professionals, and other stakeholders in designing, developing, and implementing AI-powered education systems. It concludes by discussing the potential for AI to transform the education system and the implications of its use for teaching and learning. The findings of this study demonstrate the potential of AI to enhance various aspects of the education system and provide guidance to educators and policymakers seeking to implement AI-powered education systems.