Utilising methods such as sentiment analysis and Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) exhibits an ability that may assist in a range of tasks. AI allows robots to self-learn in the corporate world by data analysis and receiving new knowledge that they can then use to fulfil a range of tasks. AI is a superset of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), both of which have their own responsibilities when it comes to equipping computers. AI is utilised to make accurate and efficient advances in a variety of medical sectors, including radiology and the therapy of chronic diseases like cancer. The benefits of AI over human-only analysis and clinical management are substantial. As AI techniques are provided with the chance to adapt from training examples, the accuracy of the systems improves, enabling previously unreachable observations into therapy variation, clinical services, investigations, as well as clinical outcomes. The medical industry is just another sector where AI has made a significant impact. This cutting-edge breakthrough that was once deemed inconceivable is now within grasp. This ever-evolving innovation is now a vital component of our lives in manners as we have never envisioned. A tidal shift has taken place in the IT industry as a result of the broad deployment of AI in healthcare. This review covers a range of AI applications in healthcare, along with the AI methods used in healthcare.