Robots and linked items have been developed across a variety of industries as a result of Industry 4.0 and the rise of the “Internet of Things.” IoT refers to a network of actual physical objects outfitted with sensors, software, and other modern technologies. To connect and exchange information with other objects and systems, the Internet serves as the network’s hub. In the same way that machine learning is a subset of the broader category of artificial intelligence (AI), the development of robots was a result of the growth of AI. So, AI uses machine learning as a tool to solve issues and evaluate data in order to apply learning and make wiser decisions.

The study of robotics encompasses the design, development, and construction of robots and automated systems. A robot is a piece of machinery with sensors, logic processors, and actuators. It uses embedded learning models, or machine learning, to operate intelligently and autonomously. The evolution of technology that deals with real-time and instantaneous information today and in the all-digital era is having an impact on agriculture. Although the IoT is sweeping the field of agriculture, it is growing in parallel with low-power wide area networks (LPWANs), so it turns out that these networks will now become the most suitable mode of connectivity. The objective of this chapter is to first discuss the concepts of IoT, LPWAN, and machine learning. Then, we will focus on the networks’ complements. Finally, we give an overview of the application of IoT in the field of agriculture, including weed control.