The system of inline tutoring can be considered as an expanded platform for education, serves the purpose of learning assignment being modelled and assigned for different tribal students by assuring development of Deep Predictive Analytical Student Network with respect to student performance. Usually, large scale distributed online tutoring infrastructure holds tutorials that are abundant that’s needs to be assessed to students regarding the cause of execution, As a cause of large number of student enrolling, there is always a presence of complication in the process of identification students based on the accurate syllabus and tutorial on basis of the student performances. In order to design a suitable tutorial allocation, customized knowledge structure has become necessary to various segment of student clusters. On the other hand, previous recommendation systems applying the model of machine learning severely overlooked the dynamics within the student’s behavior and intensions on various context, i.e., as fresh technologies constantly developed and progression of the student’s behavior and intention in terms of learning and experience is experienced and it drives to a fatigued start and data sparsity problems. In terms of mitigating those complications mentioned in the upper section, a narrative in depth predictive student analytics structural design is employed in this works as deep neural network to outcome knowledge-enabled technology learning recommendation on basis of evolution of student intention and behavior formulation. Initially student dynamics to the learning model and clustering of the student to the online tutoring system has been extracted using various features consisting numerous factors of latent of the student implementing the technique of extraction. Student Latent factor obtained on basis of the learning features of the student’s preference according to their experience and knowledge behaviors instead of profile information and geographical information. Moreover, networks based on deep neural methods have been indulged regarding the development of student performance-enabled learning recommendation system to customer clusters on utilization of latent feature extracted. Deep prediction of suitable knowledge structure to student clusters is capable of achieving higher amount of accuracy, latency and reliability. In-depth predictive e-Learning analytics actively schedule the learning to students based on implementing features of latent regarding the evaluation of the function of objective to develop learning proposal with a minimal error resulting in important enhancement based on the performance prediction regarding the information that are discriminative of the current technical information with student. A wide-ranging development is generated based on real-time data to make a comparison on the evaluated model with other conventional practices based on the presentation on possibility of the learning material recommendation to various class of student cluster. The experimental outcomes prove that proposed In-depth architecture of learning can get scalability and effectiveness based on any measurement of student information to the e tutoring system.