Although there is an increase in food production and crop yields recently which is considered positive outcome especially for developed countries, but this positive outcome has been accomplished by bushy agrarian practices that lead to massive environmental problems. However, in developing countries there are different kinds of problems that include the shortage of suitable agrarian practices and fertilizers that do not permit intensive production of crops and the yearly overpopulation in these countries leads to a large segment of the population suffering from undernourishment particularly among children. For these reasons, there is a constant need for the 254unification of sustainable practices of agriculture on the universal level for both developed and developing countries. In the developed world, there is an urgent need to reduce environmental and energy costs, while, in developing countries, sustainable and effective practices are required to permit enough foods production and crops that provide nutrition with suitable cost for the increasing populations. This chapter discusses the impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in global sustainable environment.