Prior to pandemic much discussion was on sustainability now covid-19 is challenging the tourism. The global diseases corona provides evidence that traveler can be agent and carrier of virus. Globally, Hall (2020) transport is a distributor of pathogens. Ivanov et al. (2020) investigated transmission of infection during traveling can be controllable with the application of electronic tourism, automation in technology such as Robot services and self-service kiosks have created a shield among suppliers and customers and also customers themselves. Rosen (2020) stated Hotel utilized Robot services in cleanliness of rooms, in addition, Wolfe (2020) some restaurants have introduced temperature recognition technology for customers and employees and also focused upon contactless payments. Benckendorff et al. (2005) also state that most research dealing with information technology and the Internet would fall into the category of “technology as a tool of the tourism industry.” Networking among suppliers and tourist indicate the innovative progress of travel trade. Werthner and Klein (1999) accepted that electronic tourism acts as a supportive product and empowers the working organizations of travel 368sector. This chapter discusses global infectious disease and focuses upon the digitalization of travel sector. COVID-19 outbreak recommendations state the positiveness in adoption of technologies by tourism sector. In nutshell, chapter outlines how travel demand is influenced by technology and investigates that pandemic stimulated the stakeholder to go for electronic tourism acceptance.