Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in the field of healthcare, revolutionizing how doctors diagnose, treat, and manage patients. Smart healthcare systems powered by AI technologies have the potential to reshape the landscapes of patient care, medical research, and healthcare management. This abstract discusses the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in smart healthcare, emphasizing its different roles in improving patient care and operational efficiency. Artificial intelligence has shown to be a game changer in smart healthcare, revolutionizing patient care and healthcare operations. As AI technologies advance, the use of AI in healthcare is set to usher in a future in which medical practices are more efficient, personalized, and accessible, resulting in improved health outcomes for people and communities globally. By analyzing genetic information, lifestyle habits, and treatment responses, AI can identify patient-specific treatment options, minimizing adverse effects and optimizing therapeutic benefits. This tailored approach to medicine holds the promise of transforming healthcare into a more precise and effective discipline. AI’s impact on healthcare extends beyond the confines of the hospital. Remote patient monitoring, enabled by AI-driven wearable devices and sensors, facilitates real-time health tracking outside clinical settings. Virtual health assistants and chatbots, provide accessible and round-the-clock healthcare support to patients. These talkative, intelligent assistants can respond to medical questions, give health advice, and even provide mental health care. Healthcare institutions may benefit from the use of AI-powered chatbots since it might reduce the workload for medical staff members and enhance patient engagement and education. As a result of AI’s integration with smart healthcare, a new age of transformational medicine has begun. Patient care might be revolutionized, medical discoveries could be made faster, and healthcare procedures could be optimized with the use of AI’s analytical skill and healthcare knowledge. The future of medicine is set to be more individualized, accessible, and successful, benefiting both patients and healthcare professionals, if ethical and regulatory frameworks are carefully considered.