A data smart healthcare system that uses biometric technology has the power to revolutionize patient care, increase the precision of diagnoses, and streamline administrative processes. Healthcare practitioners may more easily and reliably identify patients with the aid of biometrics, which can also enhance patient safety and expedite administrative procedures. Biometric data is used by data smart healthcare systems, together with other patient data, to deliver individualized and customized medical treatments. A data smart care system involves tracking treatment progress, keeping tabs on patient vitals, and employing machine learning algorithms to identify possible health hazards. Personalized treatment regimens and early illness diagnosis may be made possible through the combination of biometrics and data analytics in medicine. The use of biometrics in healthcare also presents a number of significant problems, mostly in the areas of privacy, security, and ethics. To prevent potential misuse, it is crucial to safeguard the biometric data of patients from unauthorized access and storage. The use of biometric technology in healthcare may result in prejudices, therefore ethical considerations must address concerns of permission, data ownership, and possible biases. A healthcare system that uses biometrics and data intelligence will have effects that go beyond the specific care of patients. Establishing standardized procedures and standards for the safe installation and interoperability of biometric data systems requires cooperative efforts from healthcare organizations and regulatory organizations. In order to promote confidence and general adoption, it will also be essential to educate patients and medical professionals about the advantages and hazards of biometrics. In summary, biometrics and data smart healthcare systems have the ability to completely transform patient care, diagnosis, and healthcare administration. But in order to fully realize the advantages of new technologies, it is essential to solve the related issues and ensure privacy, security, and ethical concerns. Through collaborative efforts, the healthcare industry can create a robust framework that leverages biometrics responsibly and ethically to enhance patient outcomes and overall healthcare efficiency. This abstract highlights the significance, challenges, and implications of integrating biometrics into the healthcare domain.