Behavioral therapy is a process in which individuals with obesity learn strategies to reduce weight. Recognizing the importance of culture is particularly relevant especially given that obesity rates are higher in ethnic/racial minority groups compared to non-Hispanic White Americans, and ethnic/racial minority groups are expected to be the majority population in the near future. Culture is a schema that affects an individual's perceptions, beliefs, ideas, desires, norms, and values. Traditional behavioral therapy techniques were designed from a majority group cultural perspective. This perspective may differ in substantive ways from minority group member belief systems and influences perceptions of weight, physical activity, and diet. Racism has impacted ethnic/racial minorities and adversely affected social determinants of health that influence behavioral therapy. Thus, it is imperative that behavioral counselors develop a sense of cultural competency to deliver effective treatment to ethnic/racial minority groups. It is also important to be able to deliver programs that have been culturally tailored to a specific ethnic/racial minority group. Tailoring interventions can enhance participants’ receptivity to and acceptance of health information and programs. Culture must be considered and incorporated into behavioral therapy targeting weight management.