The service industry is a crucial industry recognized as the biggest of the three sectors of the economy. Implementing technology in this industry has been the driving force for industrial advancement. In contrast, this industry’s disproportionate adoption of technology explains the disparity between developing and developed worlds. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been recognized as the newest technology disrupting and driving innovation in the service industry, with the quest for superior business experience and customer service driving its adoption. However, AI is not the only technology driving transformations in the service industry but also a constituent of innovative technologies, such as search, chatbots, cloud computing, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), mobile, social, and the IoT. In addition, this chapter advocates for the fourth component of cloud computing to be named diversity as a service (DaaS). Technology is the most significant enabler of globalization. Globalization is the most fantastic driver of diversities – creating opportunities, virtual, and physical, for people from different cultural, religious, racial, geographical, and other backgrounds to interact. However, this confluence of diversities is leading to unsavory human experiences giving rise to racial protests, gender inequalities, underrepresentation of ethnic minorities, and others. 306However, implementing technology in diversity management could be the elixir to these problems.