Change in the working environment is inevitable in the world we are living in today. The pandemic is driving changes to customers’ behavior in all sectors and has new demands. Robots are serving food and sanitizing restaurants, and artificial intelligence (AI) can be seen everywhere around us. The impact of technology is reshaping jobs and formalizing new occupations in every business sector, and the hospitality sector has not been spared from this disruption. New job roles are appearing. Skill sets that used to be important are no longer the only requirements. Human resource managers are looking for skills on CV’s that will matter in the future. The constant evolution in technology improves our living home to workstations beyond our expectations. Traditional skills will still play a role, but it will become necessary to know the technological world evolving rapidly around us. Advanced analytics, agile development, and data management seem to be the most critical skills required for future jobs. The backbone of AI in any company will be made up of skilled, intelligent minds capable of understanding business problems and applying AI to solve issues effectively. AI redefines the relationship between an employee and manager in an AI-driven workplace. A robotic might even become your line manager in future. The soft skills required to work successfully in an environment 78where teams are made up of robots and humans, working together will be different than required a few years ago. Over the last decade, technology has transformed many aspects of the hospitality industry. To be prepared for the futuristic requirements, it is mandatory to re-train and re-skill all those employees to make them skilled and fit the industry’s altering needs. Chapter focuses on the jobs that will become hybrid and new job descriptions that will be created in the hospitality sector that will place more emphasis on developing human intelligence and critical thinking. It will also look at the educational institute’s syllabi, and the new design will meet the future requirements.