The intersection of tobacco use, electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) use, marijuana, and body weight has been of interest in the obesity field because of the underlying biological processes that constituents of these substances have on appetite regulation and metabolism. With the rapid rise of ENDS use and the changing acceptability and legality of marijuana, there has been a growing need to better understand and elucidate the ways that these smoking behaviors impact body weight. Research has established the underlying biological processes that these substances have on appetite regulation, and clinical and population-based studies show significant associations between use of these substances and obesity or weight regulation. This chapter serves as a primer to the biological mechanisms of nicotine and cannabis on appetite and weight, where preclinical and animal model studies are discussed. Furthermore, this chapter also describes population-based research on (1) nicotine and weight, especially post-cessation weight gain; (2) ENDS use and the growing literature on e-liquids, e-liquid flavors, and motivations for vaping related to weight; and (3) marijuana use and its association with lower body mass index and body weight.