Dental Health is a significant part of general wellbeing, yet it is frequently not dealt with. Image classification is one of the major contributions made by artificial intelligence and machine learning. Utilizing the algorithm of Image Classification, images of things or articles can be characterized into bunches based on their disparities like shading, design or surface. The same can be used to recognize a person’s oral disease from an image of the mouth or teeth. Image highlights are used to match and group image data sets. This chapter uses a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify images into different classes. The model labels images into three classes:“Normal tooth”,“Caries” and “Oral Cancer”. The exactness of the classification by the proposed framework lies in the range of 85–95%. This framework helps in the timely identification of specific oral diseases. The proposed model can assist dentists effectively and efficiently. This finding represents the capability of AI to assist in working on oral wellbeing.