Blockchain, with its high practicality, great security, and ability to save storage space while sharing data transparently and ensuring the information management and administration process, is currently considered the “key” for the transformation and access to information technology for businesses. However, many people still question its authenticity and reliability until now. Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the most common type of business. However, the application of Blockchain technology to activities in SMEs is still facing many difficulties and challenges. Based on this perspective, a survey was conducted to gather information and data to analyze and identify the factors influencing Blockchain application in SMEs in Vietnam. This will help SMEs better understand and approach Blockchain technology. The data were collected from 240 employees representing 240 SMEs in Thai Nguyen province – currently a potential economic center, and then processed and analyzed using SPSS version 28.0. The results show that Blockchain’s cost has the biggest relationship with Blockchain adoption with a negative influence, followed by Technology readiness with a positive effect on Blockchain adoption in SMEs.