Our book chronicles the rise of the capitalist State while examining the historical dilution of Black Rage. Since its inception, capitalism has fed its most vital organs with the ruins pillaged through conquest. Concurrently, rage is an inescapable outcome of conquering a people. Those racialized as Black have always resisted the imposition of these inhumane conditions. The process of laundering is far greater than the accumulation of wealth by elites. Elite capture is not simply a consequence of inequality but a directive of the State that works for the interest of White capital. The process of laundering engenders a complicity within the entire population to uphold the false stability of the ruling class. The State creates a fabricated society to mask the giving up of our lives in service to it as it gives us the superficial. Thus, Laundering Black Rage focused on the histories of Black resistance throughout the diaspora, State building under capitalism, cities as sites of laundering, the world making of empire, and how the process can be upended through an anti-colonial struggle of reverse-laundering conquest.