The specialized literature in disaster studies emphasizes the problems of applied research to forecast exactly the geographical zone or city where the disaster will take a hit. The term disaster appeals precisely to the lack of coherence in responses to outstanding, if not disturbing, events that impact notably society. For this reason, disaster management adopted the figure of resilience and adaptation to deal with post-disaster (pandemic) scenarios. Over the recent years, some voices have alerted on the importance of resilience in the tourism industry. The global pandemic that originated in Wuhan (China) rapidly disseminated throughout the world, paralyzing not only the tourism industry but also the global trade. The COVID-19 obliges us to rethink tourism in a feudalized (atomized) world without tourists. The current travel behavior, as well as the geographical borders, are being reformulated according to a post-pandemic situation. Beyond the material losses and lives, the COVID-19 seems to be a foundational event that redrawn the global geographies. This book chapter deals with the opportunities and challenges of tourism in Argentina just after the COVID-19. We look to answer the question: is post-disaster tourism literature an efficient instrument to put the activity back on its feet again?