Tourism is a sector that has significant economic development power all over the world. This situation is seen as a serious competitive advantage in tourism all over the world (Antara and Sumarniasih, 2017: 35). The COVID-19 pandemic, which emerged in the last 2 years, showed us the economic power of tourism. However, this demonstration took place with the collapse of the tourism sector, which has a weak structure. This study deals with the redesign and rediscovery of the traditional structure of the tourism sector and the reconstruction of tourism for destinations in accordance with societies, economic and social structures, cultures, and natural life (Chang et al., 2020). The study was handled conceptually and was created with the document analysis technique, one of the qualitative research methods. As a result of the study, it has been understood that the tourism sector has come to a standstill during the crisis processes of tourism. At this point, it was 56concluded that tourism should be restructured under the umbrella of sustainability, and different types of tourism should be developed.