The development of contemporary society is rapidly changing, and the pressure on modern people's life is increasing rapidly. Improving psychological adaptability and achieving physical and mental health is an important issue. This study explores painting as a carrier for regulating the mind to relieve people's body and mind, improve the regulation of emotions, and keep the mind elastic and healthy.

In the study, students from Taiwan Community College were taken as the research objects. The participants were aged 45–70. A total of 20 students participated in the test. They received painting lessons for 3 months. Practice drawing one piece weekly and continue practicing for a long time. The theme of the painting is to express the painter's mind and emotions as an exercise. During the research, monthly interview questionnaires and data are used as records, and the results of the research questionnaires are analyzed.

After research and analysis, it is found that long-term participation in art practice - painting courses, research questionnaires and data descriptions of participating students, the results of research factor analysis show that the percentage of variation is 66.32%, the research questions are divided into four factors: Meditation and focus enhance the sense of meaning, creating balance enhances the sense of health, pleasure enhances the sense of existence, and freedom enhances the sense of reinforcement. Research has shown that drawing practice has a positive effect on emotion regulation.