Traditional children's folk games represent certain lifestyles and values of culture of a certain period of time. Unfortunately, as time goes by, some of them have faded away from the memory of society especially from the young generation, and lost popularity in the educational realm, as digital and online games have rapidly grown nowadays and captured the preference of children. Despite the fact mentioned above, the values of folk games are worth to be preserved and introduced to the young generation by being transformed into the forms that suit today's trend. As a result, this research provides an attempt to transform 1 traditional children's folk games into virtual reality (VR) games by adopting VR technology. This study is not very extensive, but the findings suggest that with moderate application of modern technology, the traditional folk games are possible to be innovated as more attractive and accessible to today's children. The objective of this research is to explore an innovative way and the most suitable design content in turning traditional folk games into VR games, in hope to open a new approach of preserving, inheriting and innovating traditional children's folk games in the future.