Currently, batik craft continues to grow according to the times. The development of this batik art gave rise to a variety of batik industries, both in the form of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) or on a large scale. The increase in the number of batik industry players automatically increases the competitiveness of each batik industry, to compete for local and global batik market share. This situation gave rise to the idea of making batik motif patterns that could increase the cost efficiency and the production time of batik cloth, to reduce production costs and time without leaving quality, creativity, and product innovation. This research is a study that examines or critically reviews knowledge, ideas, or findings contained in the body of academic-oriented literature and formulates theoretical and methodological contributions for certain topics. The making of Nyanggit Nggathok patterned batik is a pattern of batik motifs where the motif is incomplete and is placed in certain locations only based on the pattern of the parts of the garment so that after it becomes a garment, it will later be Nggathok (Javanese) or meet the pattern of the motif. This Nyanggit Nggathok batik pattern can reduce costs and production time for batik clothing. Research on the development of patterned batik motifs (Nyanggit Nggathok) on this clothing is to develop batik motifs on clothing, provide technical knowledge of patterned batik making to the industry to realize production and time efficiency of batik clothing so that the batik industry can continue to grow and create innovations that ready to be commercialized in global and local markets.